Thursday, April 25, 2013

We Continue

Good morning!

Although I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot, I know we will have new updates and progress to report, so I want to keep the blog going. I'm considering us both very lucky that the news continues to be good and that up-to-the-minute updates aren't necessary!

Ben has had a good week so far. He had physical and occupational therapy appointments again on Monday. It had been exactly one week since his first appointments, and both therapists immediately commented on his progress! The physical therapist was especially impressed with how much his walking and balance had improved in the previous week. I can definitely see improvement each day, but since it is gradual, Ben sometimes has a hard time knowing how well he is progressing. I'm glad the therapists pointed it out! He has both appointments again this morning. The exercises he has to do at home keep increasing and increasing, but he is keeping up. The physical therapist added (supervised!!!) balance exercises this week. Ben also continues to practice fine motor skills with his hands and a few shoulder exercises. Until he sees the surgeon again next week, he is still supposed to limit all bending, twisting, and lifting.

Ben's incision continues to heal. We're still waiting for all of the steri-strips to fall off so that I can get a clear photo! From what I can see where the strips are gone, it's amazing how quickly it has healed. There is very little scabbing, and the scar itself is a pretty thin line. Ben's neck pain has decreased this week, which is great.

Ben finished tapering off of his steroids on Sunday, and this caused a rebound headache on Tuesday night. The headache lasted for most of the afternoon and night, but it was gone by mid-morning on Wednesday. I called the nurses to get some guidance, and that it is when we learned that the headache was probably caused by coming completely off of the steroids. There were a whole host of secondary symptoms she asked about (that I'm assuming would've been cause for concern), but Ben hadn't had any of those. They did ask us to call back if he gets another headache, but so far so good!

I returned to work some this week, and so far the transition has gone well. Ben keeps me posted on how he is doing at home (because otherwise I would go crazy!), and I have taken long lunches each day to come back and see him, supervise some exercises, eat, etc. I will work half a day again this afternoon after Ben's appointments. Next week, I will return to a more regular schedule with just time off for Ben's various appointments. We're very much looking forward to the May 1st appointment with the surgeon/PA to discuss Ben's healing so far, the steps for moving forward and things like Ben driving, his possible return to work date, etc. There is no rush on any of those things, of course, but I think we're both ready for at least an estimated timeline.

Everything about work has been great so far. My wonderful co-workers have kept everything running perfectly during my absence, and it has been so nice to step back into my job. Extra special bonus? My sweet husband had this delivered on my first day back! (The 'cupcakes' are chocolate covered pineapple!! YUM!)
Photo from the Edible Arrangements website because I started scarfing mine down without taking a photo!
Ben and I continue to walk together whenever possible, and he has worked hard to walk even more around the house while I'm at work. The surgeon's office reiterated again how much consistent walking would help with the healing process, and Ben has taken that to heart!

The photos were so much fun to find and post last time...I'm going to close with a few more!
Honeymoon in Blowing Rock (July 2009)

First trip to Chicago (October 2009)

Wedding in Lenoir (December 2009)

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