Thursday, April 18, 2013

Checking In

Hello again!

We have been getting into a little bit of a routine here at home these past few days, and we've also been getting back to more real-life things as much as we can. We're easing our way into things for now...we certainly don't want Ben to overdo anything, and I can see myself getting overwhelmed with details if we try to do too much too fast.  "Busy" for us right now involves getting out of the house together once a day...

Ben is definitely keeping up with all of his therapy 'homework.'  He has four different leg exercises to do twice a day (and trust me, they're HARD...I tried them myself...), and he has been practicing various exercises with his hands as well. For occupational therapy, he has been doing things like: practicing writing and typing, picking up grains of rice with tweezers, drawing shapes with pencil/ruler and then cutting them out, sorting piles of randomness (screws, rubber bands, paperclips, etc.) into individual cups, stringing together paperclips and then un-stringing them, etc. He just finished up at his second occupational therapy appointment this afternoon, and he has even more homework now. He will be doing some shoulder exercises with an exercise band, and he has pages and pages of writing homework to complete as well as an online typing test. I am so glad because I can already see improvement in his hands since his first appointment. I'm sure the new exercises will help even more.

We've been using our outings to walk at the green way (still!), and it's really enjoyable to be together there in the mornings. Each time we go out, we walk a little bit longer and a tiny bit faster. Ben's energy is getting better and better each day as well, but he has certainly earned a few rest breaks this past week!

The upcoming week will get even busier. From here on out, Ben will have both physical and occupational therapy appointments twice per week. They're currently scheduled that way through the middle of May, but I think that their frequency could change depending on how Ben progresses. I am going to attempt to ease my way back into work part-time next week as well. I plan to take intermittent leave for all of Ben's appointments and to come check on him at home during the day. I am looking forward to seeing all my sweet library kiddos again soon (two new baby siblings have arrived since I left, y'all! I need to see those tiny babies! :-)

We have continued to receive sweet cards, kind message, and delicious meals. We are so very appreciative! I cannot imagine being on this journey without all of the love and support we've had the whole way through. I know I'm repeating myself, but it definitely bears repeating: we are SO GRATEFUL.

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