Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday, Saturday

Hi friends.

Ben and I had a not-so-restful night in the ICU. Luckily, he was not in a lot of pain, just restless and unable to sleep. Overall, I would say it was a good night, but it was hard to say goodbye when visiting hours ended at 6am.

I headed home at that point because I couldn't imagine doing anything but getting at least a little sleep. Ben definitely wanted people with him again as soon as visiting hours started at 8am (understandably!). His family and my parents were there to greet him while I slept like a log for several hours.

While I was gone, Ben got to get out of bed and sit in a chair. A picture is shown below. He even stood and basically shuffled himself over with the help of a nurse. I was so excited to see his thumbs up in the photo. He also got to eat and enjoy breakfast.

Other big news of the day so far, Ben's new glasses arrived (thanks to Deborah and Katie for calling about them and going to pick them up!). He ordered them right before the surgery since his only pair of glasses was 10 years old. The next step will be to get a photo of him in the new glasses! :-)

I got back right around lunchtime, and Ben was still sitting upright. He is definitely tired and in some pain. He just finished lunch, and he wants to get back in bed soon to hopefully rest/sleep. He needs to rest and let the pain meds do their work.

The nurses today said that today would probably be the worst day. His pain seems worse (but still controllable, thank goodness). He has some swelling at the surgery site that they are keeping an eye on. He will spend tonight in the ICU again.

We are so thankful that the ICU allows visitors. Two of us are allowed to be in the room with him at one time, and one person can stay with him overnight. The only times we can't be in the room are between 6am and 8am and 6pm and 8pm. It is so comforting to us to be able to spend this time with him, and we hope it is helping him, too! :-)

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