Friday, April 12, 2013

One week

Wow, it's hard to believe that Ben's surgery was one week ago today.  One week ago, we were waiting at the hospital for Ben to be called back. Then we were waiting for him to be prepped in pre-op. Then we all went back to see him one more time before the surgery. Then I was walking down the hall beside his bed as they wheeled him back to surgery (he doesn't remember this part because they'd already given him a relaxer in his IV. :-)  Then I completely lost it because seeing him wheeled back was AWFUL. And then we waited...

We are so very grateful that things have only gotten better and better since last Friday morning. We had an idea of how bad things could be after the surgery, but we really never even hoped that things would go as well as they have.  From the moment we saw Ben in the ICU on Friday afternoon, we have felt so much relief and happiness at the success of this surgery.

We are thrilled with his progress so far, and we are looking forward to learning more about what he can do to continue this progress.

We would not have made it through the time before Ben's surgery (or this week since) without all of the love and support we've received. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Here's to the weeks ahead! :-)

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