Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday night update

Hi all,

Ben has had an interesting day. After lunch, he actually slept for a little while upright in the chair. He finally got moved back to the bed, but he remained restless and in some pain most of the afternoon. When we all got ready to leave this evening for quiet time, he was just eating dinner. He actually ate pretty well and seemed really tired. We were all very hopeful that he would actually get some real sleep during quiet time.

We think our hopes came true because when we arrived back this evening at 8pm, Ben was sleeping and pretty groggy when he did rouse himself a little.

Unfortunately, right around 9pm, the nurse came in to say it was time for an MRI. Apparently, this is totally standard procedure after any sort of brain or spinal surgery (which makes sense when you think about it), but we were caught by surprise because we didn't realize it would be coming, especially at this time of night. The nurse was great at reassuring us, and she did offer Ben some meds to keep him calm through the MRI itself. Thankfully, he accepted the meds.

He was gone from the room for about an hour, just like the nurse said he would be. She said he did great during the MRI and even managed to snooze through some of it! No news is good news as far as the MRI is concerned, and we haven't heard anything yet. Radiologists read the MRIs as they come through all night. If there was anything concerning, the nurse said we would probably know within an hour, and we're past that time frame now, so I am very hopeful that means everything is looking good.

I kissed Ben goodbye and headed home to sleep after he got back from the MRI. His dad is staying with him tonight, and I am looking forward to crawling into bed. Last I heard, he was resting comfortably and (of course) watching some of the Final Four.

Love to you all,

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