Thursday, April 4, 2013

Top 5 Ways... Know that You're Stressed About your Husband's Upcoming Neurosurgery

5.  You look in your fridge for coffee creamer that you're certain you have.  You don't find it.  You buy Starbucks instead.  You repeat 2 days in a row.  You finally buy more coffee creamer.  You then find a giant jug of coffee creamer in your shelf, front row, right where you looked and looked.

4.  You leave your house without your cell phone.  You don't notice for hours.  You repeat 2 days in a row.

3.  You consider a day with hives just on your face, neck, and hands a good day...

2.  When you're cleaning out the fridge, you consider drinking the wine you find.  That is months old.  At 10AM.    

And the number 1 way to know that you're stressed about your husband's upcoming neurosurgery....

1.  Your husband is having neurosurgery.

Love to you all! :-)


  1. Jesse,
    Praying for you and ben. Please keep us updated. If u need anything please let me know.

    1. Thank you, Jessica. We so appreciate your support.
